For Education Institutions

A virtual tour unlike any other for students around the world


虚拟校园导览能帮助即将开始申请的学生直观地感受校园的实地环境和社区氛围。虚拟校园导览让学校的纸质手册瞬间变得栩栩如生。它可以帮助时间或资源有限的学生在千里之外看到这种神奇的校园景象。Campus 360是一个中立的平台,它可以完全免费地让各类院校和高中向世界分享它们精彩的校园导览之旅。Campus 360与 Sunrise 360进行合作,可以为想要创建或更新虚拟校园之旅的院校提供专业拍摄和导览开发的优质服务,而所需成本相比其他供应商仅是“九牛一毛”而已。

  • Campus360
  • Sunrise360
Gather your footage
Gather your footage
Share the Media with Us
Share the Media with Us
Map Locations on Campus
Map Locations on Campus
Publish Your Tour on Campus 360
Publish Your Tour on Campus 360 Completely for free

What Makes Campus 360 Unique?

No Clunky App

No Clunky App

Campus 360 is a mobile-optimized website, so students don’t have to go through a cumbersome registration process to begin touring universities around the world.

It’s Free. Really.

It’s Free. Really.

Campus 360 is completely free to universities that share their media on the platform, and it’s completely free to students who use the platform. Any institution with its VR or 360 media of its campus can upload their tour to the Campus 360 platform.

Internationally accessible

Internationally accessible

Just like your campus, your 360 tour will be home for every student on earth. Your tour will be hosted on servers arround the globe, surpassing the Chinese firewall, opening quickly in Africa, and bringing a summer view to the chilly Baltics.

Maintain Ownership

Maintain Ownership

Your media and pictures are yours. If you share your media on our platform, that remains the case: no byzantine system of licensing, no backdoors, no strings attached. Upload your media to Campus 360 anytime you like, and ask us to remove your media anytime you like.

Diverse Language Support

Diverse Language Support

Do you have an ESL program? Our tours support multi-language, audio, and video support enabling your admission staff to shape the experience of students in need of a little extra assistance.